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শুক্রবার, ১৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১৫

2 Ways to Make Money From Home

Earn Money From Home

There are plenty of ways to make money with skills and interests that you already have, you just need to know where to look.

Our work-from-home job guide is full of potential jobs that work around your schedule and let you earn extra dollars from pretty much anywhere! Based on your personality and strengths, read on to find out what type of job best suits you.

01. If you love writing

Many websites need part-time pays people to write reviews for restaurants, shops, parks and concerts in their area.
If reviews aren’t quite your thing,ProBlogger has listings of sites that are willing to pay semi-professional writers. Over time, good writers have found this sort of freelancing can be quite lucrative. Every website has a different application process, so log on and get paid.

New tech products are hitting the market every second, and someone needs to explain how they work in plain English. Technical writers put together operating instructions, how-to manuals and FAQ pages for consumers. Consider joining theSociety for Technical Communication, which provides educational webinars and a job listing board to members.

02. If you are artistic

There are plenty of sites to let your arty side shine and make some money in the process. is a virtual marketplace where the craftier among us can sell their wares to shoppers from all over the world for a percent transaction fee.
Café Press allows you to design and sell your own graphic T-shirts, mugs and other printables from home for the cost of materials.

If you love to communicate visually and have fashioned your own great business logo or website, graphic design could be for you. Potential clients are likely to be most interested in your portfolio. Have you designed a school poster? Put together a brochure for a nonprofit? Showcase your skills by creating a website and uploading images of your work. (Skilledup.comoffers a range of classes—some for free—on website creation and graphic design.) Look for job postings and on more general job boards such as, and

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